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  • Writer's pictureRaegan Cleary

Retro Inspiration Boards

In my Trend Forecasting class the other day our professor gave us an assignment to create inspiration boards using retro or retro inspired fashion. Prior to class, we had to find at least 10 images of retro and retro inspired clothing, then in class we would break off into groups to create specific inspiration boards based on the clothing we brought in.

I found it really interesting how each person in our group had a different idea of what retro meant. While we had photos from many different decades, each person seemed to have focused more on one specific decade. My pictures were mostly 60s-70s inspired, while one girl's was 80s-90s and another girl's was 40s-50s. Even though we each definitely had our main focus, we found it easy to share pictures with each other.

When it was time to put together our three inspiration boards, we had to look for specific patterns. For us it was obvious to do each decade as it's own mood board while other groups focused on a specific trend like stripes or pants.

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